So I have a vendor that I work with on and off. He is a screaming, drooling liberal. Every single solitary time I have to spend more than 5 minutes with him he goes off on wandering tangents wherein he manages to insult me personally, my Christianity, my support of George W., and my feelings about the war. More often than not, these attacks come out of nowhere like "Gee, Mr. Vendor Person, can we go get Dairy Queen this afternoon?" "George W. is a fascist. He's just as bad as Hitler and you Christians are pawns in his grand scheme to mess up this country".
I'm exaggerating, but you get my point.
Anyway, today he decided - out of boredom or whatever it is that causes liberals to spaz out - to send me a few e-mails that were so "out there" (yet typical of this person) that I just had to share. I attempted to be nice, tolerant and kind - but he pushed me right over the edge. Needless to say I won't be working with a vendor who insults me and calls my belief systems into question for sport.
I know how you feel. I haven't been able to get a straight answer from a neo-con in years. They are able to turn facts into opinions whenever they don't suit their needs and can never come up with any facts to support their arguments. They live in a world where black is white and white is black if it suits their needs.
Projection, anyone? This is the individual who, all last year would send me spitting e-mails containing wild accusations from the loony left fever swamps. I tried being nice. I did. I sent him e-mail "novels" containing links, facts, page numbers for books I've read. But every time I would send a response, he ratcheted up his insults and screaming. No reply to any of the facts presented, though, of course. But *I* apparently am the one that never comes up with any "facts to support" my arguments. Hm.
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and what never shall be." Thomas Jefferson.
context of this quote was related to education. Being an educated voter/citizen so as not to be taken advantage of by the government. You can apply this any way you see fit.
Your arguments aren't arguments. You neo-cons present as the truth (without supporting evidence) faith-based re-iterations that are as valid as claiming the Grand Canyon was formed by Noah's Arc and that the universe was made 6,000 years ago
And this is an argument? What is this supposed to
mean, anyway? Does anyone have their Soooper-Seekrit Moonbat Decoder Ring?
I take it very personally because I see where this immoral, reprehensible mindset is leading our country. It's one thing to fool themselves and others, but to think that neo-cons are innocent in the eyes of God is a supreme stretch.
Who says we’re innocent in the eyes of God? None of us are, if you know the Bible. "Our finest works are like filthy rags" (but when Jesus died for us, the "debt" was paid. God sees us as righteous because of that sacrifice. We're forgiven. Saved.) But if you want to talk about immorality, is it moral to advocate killing babies? Giving aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war is moral? Comparing Bush to Hitler is moral?
Do you think Jesus would support your war or your irresponsible rationalizations for it? Would Jesus support tax cuts for the rich? - especially at the cost of the poor, our children and grandchildren? Would Jesus support the dessimation of our environment?
(*snicker* "My War". *snicker* Didn't know I was that powerful!) Ah, yes, the “tax cuts for the rich”. Such a
popular myth of the left.
Is he referring to the same poor children that
Air America is stealing from?
Um…”dissemination of our environment”? Talk about “arguments aren’t arguments”. Where the heck did that come from and what does that
mean, exactly?
"You have heard that it was said, 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also." (Jesus). It would work out well for the neo-cons who think they're going to Heaven if Jesus had declared that our income was ours to keep ("It is harder for a rich man to enter the gates of Heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle." Jesus), instead of insisting that we have to share. It would be great for you guys if we were supposed to hate our enemies.
How rich that a liberal is quoting scripture – out of context, too, of course. I don't mean to presume to speak for Jesus, but I don't think that quote meant "if a radical Islamist terrorist group flies planes into buildings and kills 3,000 innocent civilians, you should turn the other cheek and invite them to attack again". In the old testament, God waged war to give his people lands and to prosper them. If a civilization rejected God and hated his people, those people faced the wrath of God. God is certainly NOT a pacifist. “Vengeance is mine”, says the Lord “I will repay”.
Did you know that 75% of "Christian" Americans think Jesus said "God helps those who help themselves"? (Ben Franklin).
And what does that have to do with anything?
Neo-cons are destroying our country and everything it stands for through lies, the ignoring inconvenient facts, rationalizations and insidious moral relatavism. As a result, they are on the fast-track to Hell.
I see. We are destroying our country? And he accuses me of attacking without facts? Home ownership is at an all time high. Unemployment is at an all time low. But even besides that, we are finding that the Clinton administration (or at least the Pentagon Lawyers and Jamie Gorelick) was aware of
Mohammed Atta (reg. req.) and
Osama BinLaden prior to 9/11 and did nothing. We were bombed and attacked on our own soil (first World Trade bombing) and the Clinton administration did nothing. The liberal media is taking sides AGAINST America, hoping we will fail in the war on terror. They go out of their way to lie, distort, and mislead Americans. And the Republicans are the bad guys?? Please.
Do "Christian" neo-cons actually think that God won't hold them accountable for what you're doing?
Absolutely He will. (for what "I'm" doing? *snicker* Again, I'm so darn powerful, aren't I!) On the day of judgement we will all be judged. Thankfully not by self-righteous Liberals with serious mental disorders.
And yes, as a Christian, I believe that anyone who supports Bush's agenda, especially after the facts have been widely reported and established, will have a lot of explaining to do at the pearly gates. Sorry. Don't shoot the messenger. Willfull ignorance won't be an excuse.
"Widely reported and established" by the ever-truthful and non-biased New York Times? CBS?
Yes, wilfull ignorance in the form of wearing a tinfoil hat and holding your hands over your ears screaming “nanananana!! Can’t hear you can’t hear you!! My mind’s made up so don’t confuse me with the facts” isn't an excuse either. Since when did a liberal become judge and jury? Do Republicans judge and condemn like this? Not in my circle of friends, anyway…
If you are a "Christian" neo-con, then you're fair game. It is completely disingenuous to feign insult...
I’m “feining insult” when I’m attacked as I was above. I’m “feining insult” when every time I go for a visit with this particular vendor and the topic of politics unfortunately comes up he yells at me until veins stick out of his forehead? When he calls Christians evil? Knowing I’m a Christian?
when the level of discourse has been brought to the gutter by neo-cons who have demonized, insulted, ruined lives and villified anyone who isn't one of them. It's not the rest of the country who cheers on Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Rush, Rove, et all, while they spew their hatred, division and lies.
You shrieking moron. Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Rush…these individuals happen to have the most watched/listened to programs on the air. Hatred? Division? Lies? Since when? Do you even LISTEN to the vitrol coming from your own party? Apparently not.
What is Christian about them? The perception that you neo-cons are victims is absurd. Neo-cons are victimizing the rest of the world. You live by the sword, you die by the sword. I'm a Christian too. The only judgement you should be concerned about is God's.
I’m not now, nor have I ever been a victim. Ever. In any area of my life. How dare you.
I believe in our President, and I believe in what we’re doing in the Middle East. How is this being a victim?
Live/die by the sword, eh? Well, you also die by not wielding one when necessary. I’m not some cringing hippie trying to “understand” the enemy and wondering why they “hate us so”. They killed over 3,000 of us on 9/11. I don’t care why they hate us. I do care about whether or not the country is safe from those idiot terrorists, though. If that means going to war to keep us safe? Then absolutely, I’m in favor. I’m an AMERICAN. I believe in AMERICA. We have an absolute right to defend ourselves.
The Sage very...uh...sagely pointed out:
How can liberals purport to care so much about "the rich" taking care of all "the poor" in this country when they don't care about the most powerful country in the world helping other oppressed peoples? Talk about hypocritical.
So, it's OK to take away people's hard-earned money and pour them into misguided social programs to "help" America's poor (which, incidently, would be considered middle class or better in many of the world's countries), but it's not OK for the country with the most money and best military to help oppressed socities? Societies like Saddam's Iraq where people weren't just poor, but raped, tortured, and murdured? Where they had absolutely NO human rights!
And my response to this person was:I'm feeling insulted and uncomfortable with your judgementalism and sweeping generalizations, XXX.
Please try to put yourself in my shoes before you start throwing "insults" around like "you neo-cons" and things like that. When I was in Chicago, I ignored your insults aimed at Christians in general because I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't mean ME in specific. But I take these things very personally. Maybe I shouldn't.
And frankly it's this kind of hate-filled, angry accusations that I simply have absolutely no time for. Are you saying *I* am on a "fast track to hell" because I agree with Dubya and most of his policies regarding the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, etc?
I'm not going to enter into another one of these e-mail discussions, XXX. If it lowers your opinion of me, then so be it. On many occasions, (years ago) I have taken the time to provide links and facts to back up what I've said and you've ignored them. I've tried talking to you face-to-face and you seemed to get angry with me, so I don't want to go there. Okay?
Please try to respect my request. I realize we both are coming from two totally different sides of many issues. I'm okay with that, and I'm asking you as a friend to please be okay with that too.
And a typical passive-agressive reply (hopefully the last one):I've read what I've written and and don't see where I was mocking or attacking you personally. Nor am I imposing my world view on you or anyone. I don't think you're going to hell, by the way, but I do believe 90% of the Christian Right Movement is.
You call me a liberal while I consider myself a conservative. You mocked that. When I presented you with the reasons for considering myself that way, you dismissed them. Am I not to feel insulted? I presented you with facts and opinions and you took them as attacks. You use belittling phrases as "you liberals" (I'm a conservative, remember, that's what started this whole thing) as much as I use "you neo-cons".
You can take it however you want. I never intentionally attacked you personally. Sorry you took it the wrong way.
And people sometimes ask me why I'm such a die-hard Republican new favorite label: NeoCon. One reason (not the main one, of course) is so that I'm not associated with people like this guy, Cindy Sheehan, Dick Durbin, Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Howard get the idea. It's this kind of passive-agressive stuff that they're famous for.
Thank you for reading. I feel better now.