Monday, August 22

Useless Nations

I was again reminded of the the uselessness of the United Nations tonight while watching O'Reilly. A special sub-commission of the UN commission on Human Rights (the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, I think), a 26 member, U.S. funded debating club, has not been able to produce an official UN condemnation of terrorism. Why you ask? What could be so hard about issuing an essentially meaningless statement that says that the UN thinks its bad to blow up civilians? Well because they have to be fair to the terrorists of course. Apparently they could not condemn terrorism because they couldn't agree on how to properly condemn counter-terrorism. Counter terrorism, by their definition, not only includes military action against terrorists and terrorist states, etc., but also the equaling horrific acts of profiling, deporting, and otherwise inconveniencing the people who would blow up bus loads of civilians on the way to work. So according to this UN sub-commission, deportation of known criminals could be officially as bad a crime against human rights as pre-meditated mass murder. Surprisingly this sub-commission happens to include representatives from the shining bastions of human rights protection, Cuba (can't leave), China (can't practice religion or read uncensored news), Nigeria (can't have a child outside of marriage without being stoned to death), and of course France (can't display a religious symbol).