Wednesday, August 3

Judicial priorities

Here's a good little editorial regarding Judge Roberts. It makes a good point in that the role of a supreme court judge is not to be a partisian. Whether you are pro life or pro choice, why do you want a justice proclaiming his stance on Roe v. Wade before taking the bench? Wouldn't that mean he had an agenda? Supreme Court justices are not supposed to have agendas! They are supposed to strictly interpret the constitution. That is their role. They are not, as many Democratic politicians have proclaimed in the news, supposed to "make law." They are supposed to interpret whether or not laws are constitutional.

The supreme court has been leaning toward activism for awhile now and this needs to stop. President Bush has been speaking out against activist judges since he took office. Have you ever known Dubya to change his mind about something he feels so strongly about? I haven't. And because of it, I have every confidence that Roberts will be a step in the right direction --a strict constitutionalist who will interpret, not try to make, law.

And to all you fellow conservatives worried about a Souter style flip flop once Roberts is on the bench, I ask you to remember --Dubya is NOT his father. Have a little faith.