Tuesday, August 2

The Island - a Pro-life movie?


The Island (rated PG-13 for sensuality and intense violence) might change some minds. Whether its message comes from the views of the filmmakers—the action-movie director Michael Bay and writer Caspian Tredwell-Owen—or whether it just emerges logically from the movie's premise, The Island packs a powerful pro-life punch.

I can't believe it. You mean that someone (Dreamworks and Michael Bay) actually made a move that was pro-life? Of course they neglected to actually market it to their "target" audience - i.e. conservatives, but that doesn't mean I don't want to see it now. I mean, I love Bruckheimer/Bay movies (yeah, I know. Independence Day is my favorite movie. Don't judge a babe a few guilty pleasures now and then. Besides, don't even TRY telling me you don't watch Desperate Housewives.), and here's one with an actual message. Amazing.

Could it be that Hollywood might be getting the message? Or are they still too invested in convincing us conservatives that we're a) in the minority and b) all a bunch of back-woods, backwards-thinking, archaic minded, unenlightened slobs?