Scarier than Devil's Night in the D
That would be the Dems in control of Congress. Here's a great WSJ editorial outlining the Dems' "Non-Contract with America." Be brave- this is a must read and consider, even if it is so spooky.
We are a group of opinionated news junkies who used to e-mail rants, stories, and opinions back and forth. We started this little "group" during the 2004 elections, and it brought much-needed perspective and humor to the lunacy and ridiculousness going on on a daily basis. It occurred to us recently that we should start a blog to capture all of our thoughts and comments. So here we are.
That would be the Dems in control of Congress. Here's a great WSJ editorial outlining the Dems' "Non-Contract with America." Be brave- this is a must read and consider, even if it is so spooky.
As we get past our disappointment here in the D that we don't get another victory parade for one of our teams, we have to remind ourselves that we just made it to the World Series. A team that was competing for the most losses of any season in baseball three years ago just played in the World Series. Props to the Tigers. We're proud of them --and can't wait to see them back next spring!!!
Maybe the Dems and their friends in the MSM have gotten a little too carried away lately about how "demorailized" the GOP base is. Dick Morris weighs in on how the upcoming election is now a "toss-up."
Happy Friday. We finally know our opponents. The Cardinals (a familiar foe for the Tigers) will be in town this Saturday, hopefully ready to lose. The Super Bowl (no thanks to the Lions) and the World Series in the same year! Great time to be living in the D.
The Dow closed above 12,000 today, breaking a new record. The economy keeps on rolling!
It's not Halloween yet, folks. Seems all I've been hearing for the last month is wishful Democrat thinking that conservatives are demoralized and plan on staying home Nov. 7. Personally, I don't put much stock in a bunch of polls skewed toward Democrats. (We all know how reliable those polls were after we shocked the MSM by taking the last three elections...) We may not be thrilled with everything our Republicans have done in Congress, but do we really want to sit home and look forward to at least two years of Speaker Pelosi and tax increases? How about more wimpy foreign policy? Do we really want to sit home and watch a bunch of lying, unprincipaled socialists in disguise run our country? Even two years of that is two too many for me.
UPDATE: Check out this "truth detector" article from the Free Press about the truth of some of the debate claims last night. Note the theme --things DeVos said were all "essentially correct," whereas Granholm's assertions can't be proven... Wish they had more of these! She may be smooth, but I'd rather go with the guy who's more truthful...
WORLD SERIES. The Tigers. Didn't think I'd see this any time soon. How bout that game Saturday? Bottom of the ninth, 2 outs, and Maggs with a walk off homer to sweep the A's and take us to the World Series. Talk about clutch --we've seen the Tigers do it all year. It all starts Saturday- just waiting on the two teams in that other, inferior leage to battle it out...
Some humorous facts and points on North Korea, from our friend, Ann.
Yesterday's snow broke records across the upper midwest. And today's frigid weather has caused the Tiger game to be moved up from 8 to 4:30.
Yeeeeah! I just can't believe it. The Tigers are looking gooooood. 2-0 and on their way back to the D...
Hey- found a new blog today. Worth visiting just for the name. How great is "Daily Infidel"???
Stealing their phrase again. Read about more Democrat hypocrisy. This time it's their Senate minority leader Harry Reid. Wonder how much the MSM will make of this. I'll make a bet -not 1/4 of the coverage they've devoted to Foley.
...when Hollywood's on our side.
That's right --that would be Detroit. Not only are we rich with sports history and records, with pro baseball since the 1910's, hockey and football since the '20s, and great college ball since the late 1800s, but our teams (most of them) still continue to win. At least one of our big four are in the playoffs each year.
UPDATE: The saga continues; more accusers refute "joke" break.
Toyota's kicking our butts in sales again. Nothing new if you pay attention to car sales or are involved in this industry at all. (Come on people --aside from their Lexus brand, Toyotas are UGLY!!!) After 9/11, a major factor that saved us from a recession was GM's 0% APR (Keep America Rolling). Now we here in the D (and all over the country) need your help.
Whaoo! Stocks are up, oil is down. Q4 is starting off on a good note...
The Tigers will participate in their first playoff run since 1987 tonight at Yankee Stadium. They could be playing at home v. the A's, but hey, we like a good challenge right? Or maybe they just want to be more like the Red Wings and go out in style in the first round... See, if they could have won ONE --ONE!-- of their last FIVE games, then we'd have home advantage against the A's. But nooooooo, couldn't win one game, could we? (can you sense my bitterness?) Which brings on a thought-provoking question --which team had the bigger choke this past weekend? The Tigers or Michigan State?