Friday, February 17

Happy Friday!

Sorry for the very light posting of late. I have been remiss in my blogging duties, being distracted by life in general and work in specific. Life for me has taken a turn for the absolutely, completely and totally serendipitously fantastic and work is...well, work.

Not only that, but there happens to be nothing whatsoever in the news these days that inspires even the tiniest hiccup of a rant or a thought worth sharing. It's all so darn...predictable.

Even the "Saddam Tapes" that were being aired on ABC the other night held no mystery or intrigue. When I heard about them being aired I thought "yeah. okay. It's on ABC. How sanitized is it going to be." Well, apparently it was. Yawn. Suprise, suprise.

Watched CSI last night, of course, it being...well, Thursday and all. Did anyone else watch it? Did you catch the "pro-choicers are intelligent and cool and pro-lifers are whackjobs" spin? I was SO utterly disappointed. Not so much as to never watch it again, of course. But I was a bit put off by it. I'm sure its only a matter of time before CSI becomes another Law and Order - spitting liberal talking points left and right. But until that day comes, I'm still a loyal CSI: Miami (yes, Miami...David Caruso and all), New York, and Las Vegas devotee. So sue me.

Radioblogger has a transcript of an interview given by Hugh Hewitt with Helen Thomas that's pretty funny - if you haven't read it already, you should. Helen hangs up on Hugh. heh. Another good point was made today regarding the "Cheney didn't report the shooting for 16 hours how dare he what is he king or something?" kerfuffle: Why aren't the MSM outlets publishing the controversial cartoons that are causing so much bloodshed these days? Why aren't they rushing to get THAT out right away if they're so concerned with "informing the public immediately and thoroughly"?

Anyway, please forgive my (our?) general "meh"-ness and boredom with politics lately. I'm sure sometime soon someone is going to say or do something that makes me or the Sage go "HEY! I have something VERY important to say about that".

Have a terrific weekend!

p.s. Speaking of "predictable", I was at a restaurant with a friend last night. We were sitting at the bar area that had CSPAN on, and I asked my friend "Why is Richard Dreyfuss on CSPAN?" Why did I bother even asking?