Wednesday, December 6

Let's Talk

Democrats are big on talking, not on acting. They're sort of the anti "Speak softly but carry a big stick" party and more of the "Communicate, talk, compromise, back-down, threaten if necessary, but carry a water pistol" party. The results of their misguided diplomacy throughout history backs this notion up.

You may have noticed I haven't blogged much on Iraq lately; that's frankly because I'm exasperated with it all and can't comprehend the mess in Washington. Everyone seems to agree things are "going badly" over there, but when the party of doves that supposedly owes their latest election victory to the American public agreeing with them that we need to pull out of Iraq asap, it's interesting listening to them now calling for more troops and backing away from any timetables they might have demanded pre-November.

And just as Ted Kennedy thought he could thwart Reagan's efforts to win the Cold War by holding secret vodka binges with Russian officials, apparently the Democrats are at it again. Granted, the source of this information is Hamas, not exactly your most credible source, but then I wouldn't put it past some Democrats to have secret meetings with the terrorist group in order to thwart Bush's efforts to win the war on terror.

Update: Learning from the past. Some exerpts in that Kennedy link are worth calling out for their relavence today (Once a liberal, always a liberal; their thinking hasn't changed):

"The letter speaks to the degree of opposition and the lack of understanding liberals like Kennedy had toward Reagan's policies," said Lee Edwards, a distinguished fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

"Reagan knew we had to build up our armed forces before we could apply pressure to the Soviets." The notion of fighting to win the Cold War was an alien concept to liberals like Kennedy, Edwards added, because they had grown accustomed to the policies of containment.

Charles Dunn, dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University, told Cybercast News Service Kennedy's activities were in "clear violation of the U.S. Constitution and at the expense of presidential authority."

The secret overtures to the KGB during the Reagan years were particularly insidious, Dunn said, because Tunney and Kennedy were working to undermine what ultimately proved to be a very successful policy that brought an end to the Cold War.

"If another country gets the idea that it can deal outside of official channels then that undermines presidential leadership," he said.