Friday, January 20

Thoughts on television...

We have blogged before about Law & Order and how they've become an elitist mouthpiece for the far-left. We've discussed movies like Brokeback Mountain and Syrianna and how they don't do well because, well, us mainstreamers don't really care to see that stuff. How movies like Narnia and the Incredibles and the Passion of the Christ and movies like that do very well in the box office and how Hollywood may never make the connection. Ever.

Via Drudge this morning I read an article about the show Commander In Chief. The ratings are sliding downward. Let's see if you can figure out why, just based on the first paragraph of this news article:
The new ABC drama series, which earned star Geena Davis a Golden Globe Award this week for her role as the first female U.S. president, seems to be sinking into the same midterm malaise affecting the approval ratings of President Bush; "Commander's" ratings have been declining steadily since bowing to big numbers in September.

Anybody catch that? That sneer in the middle of the paragraph?

THAT sort of sneering is why CiC isn't doing well. It started out fine, and even I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. But over time I became weary of the bias and the slant. And the sneers in my direction from the producers and writers of the show. (well, not "in my direction", per se, but in the general direction of people who believe as I do)

The article goes on to compare CiC's initial success to West Wing's. Do they pick up on similarities between the subject matter? Nope. CiC's downturn is because of production issues.


You keep thinking that way. We'll keep watching shows like House and 24 and CSI (and ignoring shows like CiC, Boston Legal, and Law & Order) you know, the ones that aren't propaganda outlets for looney moonbat tinfoil hat wearing koolaid drinking conspiracy theories and boldface lies.

Speaking of Hollywood and Moonbats...Jack Abramoff's father writes a scathing letter to George Clooney for his comments at the Golden Globes directed at Mr. Abramoff. Would that EVERYONE offended by Hollywood writes a letter like this one. (not defending Abramoff. Just for the record...)

UPDATE: Benedict at Benedict Blog alerted us to the "great minds think alike" phenomenon. He went into much more detail about what we were discussing above, and you really should click over there. Like, now. (be sure to click on the other two posts referenced in his quote, especially this one)

To read insights like:
Could this divergence in the fortunes of the two shows be simply that one is better and more entertaining than the other? Of course. But the cultural / political implications are clear for anyone to see. As can be seen from the links provided in my posts on 24 from earlier this week (see here and here), the exploits of Jack Bauer hold tremendous red-state appeal. Commander-in-Chief, on the other hand, was widely seen as a paean to the policies and personal ambitions of Hillary Clinton, who weekly would use her superior intelligence, charm and understanding of human nature to foil the schemes of the evil, bigoted Republicans and bring light and truth to the world. /gag.
"Gag" indeed. Do you think Hollywood will EVER "get it"? Ever? I hear their lamenting about box office slumps and decreasing revenues, and all they can say is that it's the movie theater's fault. Or production problems. Or not enough Raisinettes at consession stands in Kansas. Someday, maybe. Someday.