Thursday, January 19

Ooooh. We're so scared. Quaking in our boots.


Bin Laden is yammering about more attacks. Offers truce.

Let's all say it together now.


***UPDATE***: Please go read's commentors. Hilarious as usual.

My favorite so far: "This is like a geopolicital version of 'Weekend at Bernie's.'"

Highlights include postulating that the photo is actually Ho Ho Dean in a sheet, coining a new nickname for Osama ("Boom Boom" Bin Laden), and "we should accept a truce from the bad guys, as long as they assemble over there on that 'X' in anticipation of an American negotiator, who should be coming along directly. If the negotiator whistles as he makes his way to the 'X,' and has a bulbous nose and tail fins--well, when you care, you send the very best. "

Worth the click, ya'll.

***UPDATE #2***:Full text of Boom Boom Bin Laden's "speech" here. Does this remind anyone of any Democrat politician? Does anyone besides me think this sounds a lot like Liberal's talking points? Just sayin'.