Tuesday, February 19

Another person realizes our media is biased

I loved this little article, and reading all of the comments by indignant Americans.

Basically Bob Geldof (an Irish rocker, read the article to learn more of him), is astounded that President Bush is not receiving the credit he is due for everything he's done for Africa during his presidency.

In fact, Geldof says that Bush "has done more than any other president so far."

"This is the triumph of American policy really," he said. "It was probably unexpected of the man. It was expected of the nation, but not of the man, but both rose to the occasion."

"What's in it for [Mr. Bush]? Absolutely nothing," Mr. Geldof said.

Mr. Geldof said that the president has failed "to articulate this to Americans" but said he is also "pissed off" at the press for their failure to report on this good news story.

"You guys didn't pay attention," Geldof said to a group of reporters from all the major newspapers.