Thursday, April 6

That's what happens when you elect a Canadian... govern your state. I hope all of the Democrats are happy. They like bemoaning the overall "bad" national economy, when unemployment is at record low rates, yet where is the outrage from state Democrats that Michigan's unemployment is at 6.6%?

According to this article:

Small businesses are a vibrant force in Michigan's state economy. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, half of all private employment comes from small businesses with fewer than 500 employees. In Michigan, small businesses employ over half of the state's non-farm private sector.

Why, we have to wonder, did Granholm then recently veto a small business tax cut to the state? With the economy moving away from manufacturing, something Michigan has heavily relied on, our small businesses are going to be more important than ever. We need to make the business environment more attractive for both small businesses and larger corporations if we want to turn our state economy around.

Unfortunately, our Democratic governer who hails form our socialist-esque neighbor to the north would rather do anything than relinquish short term tax revenues. Sad.

DeVos '06!!!!!