Wednesday, March 29

Immigration Rant

Earlier this week, thousands of people have protested in major American cities against new immigration legislation being debated in Congress. We've recently learned that these protests were well organized by the Spanish language media. Makes sense, if I had my way, those Spanish language media folks would be out of business, but they obviously want as many Spanish-speaking people pouring in as possible; they can charge higher advertising rates then. Heck, from their standpoint, it would make sense to encourage so much Hispanic immigration that our national language gets changed to Spanish!

My question is --what's up with Congress? An excerpt from this link:

National polling data could not be more emphatic — and has been so for decades. Gallup Poll (March 27) finds 80 percent of the public wants the federal government to get tougher on illegal immigration. A Quinnipiac University Poll (March 3) finds 62 percent oppose making it easier for illegals to become citizens (72 percent in that poll don't even want illegals to be permitted to have driver's licenses). Time Magazine's recent poll (Jan. 24-26) found 75 percent favor "major penalties" on employers of illegals, 70 percent believe illegals increase the likelihood of terrorism and 57 percent would use military force at the Mexican-American border.
An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll (March 10-13) found 59 percent opposing a guest-worker proposal, and 71 percent would more likely vote for a congressional candidate who would tighten immigration controls.
An IQ Research poll (March 10) found 92 percent saying that securing the U.S. border should be a top priority of the White House and Congress.
Yet, according to a National Journal survey of Congress, 73 percent of Republican and 77 percent of Democratic congressmen and senators say they would support guest-worker legislation.

Why aren't our elected representatives listening to the will of the American public? Personally, I would have protested the legislation they've been debating, too --it doesn't go far enough or do enough about this problem. Unfortunately for all of us, Congress doesn't really see illegal immigration as the problem that the rest of us recognize it as.

Here's my take on immigration --yes, this is a country founded by immigrants. LEGAL immigrants. Got that? LEGAL. It is not fair to punish those on long waiting lists to get into this country legally to grant amnesty in any form to those who come here illegally. Any type of amnesty granted, no matter how it's disguised in legislation, sends the message loud and clear: as long as you make it here, we won't kick you out. We'll find a way to let you stay in our country.

My other issue with this massive flood of illegals who, let's be realistic, are primarily Mexican, is our catering to them. There are places that insist classes be taught in Spanish. Why does my ATM first ask me if I want my transaction in English or Spanish? How about every 800# you call, etc. Prior to this recent flood of Mexican illegals over the last 40 years, immigrants that came to this country wanted to assimilate to our culture. They learned English. Sure, they might have lived in a neighborhood where people spoke their native language, but they learned English in order to prosper in the greater American society.

Not only does illegal immigration present a national security concern (how many terrorists are slipping in with the Mexican families?), but it does threaten the identiy of our country. and all the PC crap you want to prattle isn't going to change that. People that come in legally take citizenship classes and learn a little about this country; they have more respect for our systems and history. Oh, and we know where they are and can monitor them if we think they're terrorists.