Wednesday, April 4

Mahmoud the Benevolent

After illegally seizing 15 British sailors, holding them hostage like they worked at the American Embassy, then making a mockery of the western world by parading them on TV "apologizing," the Freak of Iran, Mahmoud Ahwannajihad, has shown his great compassion and benevolence by releasing them...

Did everyone enjoy watching this saga as much as I did? Do you think Ahwannajihad would have dared an act like this if half the country and world wasn't up in arms (well, not arms, that would be gauche), about the war in Iraq? (How dare we remove an oppressive, brutal, torturous, terrorist-supporting dictator who only violated 13 U.N. resolutions??) Personally, I would have treated Ahwannajihad like Reagan treated Kahdafi.

But I digress - Ahwannjihad also made sure to question western values in his press conference. He cited the fact that one of the British sailors was a woman and a mother when questioning our values -asking how a country could let a woman with children serve in the military! I'm sure that America's proud feminists like the head-scarf toting Nancy Pelosi will be expressing their extreme outrage over that remark. Any day now...