Friday, February 2

And They Wonder...

..Why we call them environmentalist whackos.

"As usual, I find myself in the position of representing the animal kingdom in a gathering like this," the 72-year-old Goodall told the conference Friday...

"To do that most effectively, I propose to bring into this room the voice of the animals I've been learning about for the past 45 years.

"So here is the greeting of the chimpanzee of Tanzania," Goodall said, before launching into a long, modulated cry. "That says hello," she quipped, to loud applause from the assembly.

"We all enjoyed the chimp cry very much," French President Jacques Chirac, who was hosting the event at the Elysee Palace in Paris, told her afterwards.

This from the man who doesn't think it's a big deal if Iran has nuclear weapons. But man, is he a fierce warrior for the environment! It's a good thing the Germans aren't causing global warming, 'cause then he'd really be in trouble...