In the words of a true sage...
Peggy Noonan. An amazingly intelligent woman. Great article about Republicans losing touch with their base. I'm sure you've sensed some discontent from this Sage about our "leaders" in Congress who seem to have forgotten who elected them and for what reason. We did not vote for them because we wanted Democrat-Lite.
An excerpt:
Name the political problem, we could answer it, or work toward answering it, with political solutions.
But faith in political action has been damaged the past few years, not by outside forces but by the two major political parties themselves.
If you are a normal person with the normal amount of political awareness, you might see it this way:
The Republicans talk about cutting spending, but they increase it--a lot. They stand for making government smaller, but they keep making it bigger. They say they're concerned about our borders, but they're not securing them. And they seem to think we're slobs for worrying. Republicans used to be sober and tough about foreign policy, but now they're sort of romantic and full of emotionalism. They talk about cutting taxes, and they have, but the cuts are provisional, temporary. Beyond that, there's something creepy about increasing spending so much and not paying the price right away but instead rolling it over and on to our kids, and their kids.
So, the normal voter might think, maybe the Democrats. But Democrats are big spenders, Democrats are big government, Democrats will roll the cost onto our kids, and on foreign affairs they're--what? Cynical? Confused? In a constant daily cringe about how their own base will portray them? All of the above.
Where does such a voter go, and what does such a voter do? It is odd to live in the age of options, when everyone's exhausted by choice, and feel your options for securing political progress are so limited. One party has beliefs it doesn't act on. The other doesn't seem to have beliefs, only impulses.
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