Don't Drink and Drive...
...or you run a very good chance, if you're lucky enough not to kill anyone, of winding up cuffed and in jail for the night, followed by thousands of dollars in legal bills as you fight the D.U.I. charge. Around here cops like to circle the bars in the small downtown area where I live. They'll pull you over at the drop of a hat, even if you're obeying every traffic rule, because hey, if you're leaving the bar at 2 a.m., chances are you'll fail a breathalizer test.
Unless, of course, you're a Kennedy. No, then you can swerve, almost hit a police car, then crash into a barrier, and not even be given a sobriety test. You can also drive off a bridge and leave the woman in the car with you to drown in four feet of water while you swim home, and then get reelected to Congress over and over and over and over again so that you can sputter from your pulpit that our president is a "liar."
Ahhh, like father, like son. Well, we'll see how this on ends up...
UPDATE: Links to the police report...
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