Wednesday, January 11

"Alito hearings"...

Or should we say "open forum for Sen. Kennedy, Leaky Leahy, Biden and Dick Turban...I mean Durbin to bloviate about themselves, state falshoods as fact and generally make an idiot out of themselves" hearings.

Roe v. Wade is NOT a constitutional issue. Say it with me, folks. NOT. a. Constitutional. issue. Norma McCorvey, the very woman at the heart of Roe V. Wade has spoken out against abortion - and formed "Roe No More Ministries". If it is found to be bad law or in light of recent research into when a "life" is considered a "life"...then yes, it should be reexamined.

Privacy of US citizens is not now, nor has it ever been an issue - contrary to what Sen. Kennedy (in between shots of vodka cleverly disguised may insist. We were wiretapping calls ORIGINATING in the US and connecting with terrorists OVERSEAS. Does anyone remember the dems illegally obtaining a Lt. Governor's credit report? Privacy? Is important to them? Don't make me laugh. (Anchoress has a bit of a "mini-hypocrisy"...just kidding)

For some guffaws with your coffee, please go see for a list of 10 ways the Alito hearings could be more pointless.

heh. Good stuff over at Michelle Malkin, including a link to a study on how many words used by the Senate Judiciary Committee in contrast to how many words Alito used. (including percentages...this blogger has some serious time on his hands)

She also coined two new words that I vow to try to work into at least one sentence today: "Schmuckyness" (referring to "schmucky" behavior by Sen. Shumer) and "Senator Sanctimony" (referring to Sen. Joe Biden).