Sunday, January 8

Tom DeLay steps down.

Mr. DeLay has decided to step down as Majority leader. The reactions from both sides are pretty stark in their differences - meaning: Republicans = classy, Democrats = catty and childish.

"I look forward to the democratic process of choosing a new majority leader who will ensure that integrity, honesty, and ethical accountability are central tenants of government operations in Washington." _ Rep. Charlie Bass, R-N.H., one of the leaders of the effort to have a new election for majority leader.
Compare and contrast to the projection and wishful thinking of harpie Pelosi:

"For years, at the expense of the American people, the House Republicans have enabled and benefited from the Republican culture of corruption engineered by Tom DeLay. The culture of corruption is so pervasive in the Republican conference that a single person stepping down is not nearly enough to clean up the Republican Congress." _ House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California.

Who and what, exactly, is she talking about? "Culture of corruption" my tookus.