Wednesday, January 25

This is horrifying.

UPDATE: Wednesday, 1/25 (bumped to the top - this is classic "blogs in action" stuff!

Mr. Stein got hisself spanked. By the blogsphere. Big time. And the silly man things the swarm will "die down". Not on your life, buster. (via Lucianne - click the link for other blogs' reactions as well as Lucianne reader comments...)
Stein said that, despite the fact that his e-mail address was not made public by the paper, he had received some 100 "hate e-mails" by noon. "They're telling me to leave the country, which sounded good at first because I thought they meant a vacation. But they didn't mean a vacation," he said. The columnist said he suspected the reaction was largely fueled by the Web sites, adding: "My guess is that it will die down pretty quickly." Stein said he had long considered the issue and that whenever a politician opposes the war but supports the troops "I just always think they are covering their ass." Asked if he had regrets, he said: "No, because I'm against the war. (I have no regrets) if this helps us get out of that war and bring our troops home safely."
Transcript from Hugh Hewitt's radio show with Mr. Stein. This Stein dude is a real mimbo. Sorry! He is.

Original post:
Joel Stein writing for the LA Times:
But I'm not for the war. And being against the war and saying you support the troops is one of the wussiest positions the pacifists have ever taken — and they're wussy by definition. It's as if the one lesson they took away from Vietnam wasn't to avoid foreign conflicts with no pressing national interest but to remember to throw a parade afterward.

Blindly lending support to our soldiers, I fear, will keep them overseas longer by giving soft acquiescence to the hawks who sent them there — and who might one day want to send them somewhere else. Trust me, a guy who thought 50.7% was a mandate isn't going to pick up on the subtleties of a parade for just service in an unjust war. He's going to be looking for funnel cake.

I know this is all easy to say for a guy who grew up with money, did well in school and hasn't so much as served on jury duty for his country. But it's really not that easy to say because anyone remotely affiliated with the military could easily beat me up, and I'm listed in the phone book.

I'm not advocating that we spit on returning veterans like they did after the Vietnam War, but we shouldn't be celebrating people for doing something we don't think was a good idea. All I'm asking is that we give our returning soldiers what they need: hospitals, pensions, mental health and a safe, immediate return. But, please, no parades.

Seriously, the traffic is insufferable.

Kudos to you if you can get through the whole thing...