Tuesday, January 3

A must-read: The WMD debate from a soldier's perspective

This is a must-read, ya'll.

Amy Proctor is the author of a blog we love, and her husband, who was a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division, 325th Infantry Regiment during the expeditionary phase of the war in '03 and '04, writes about his thoughts and experiences regarding the WMD debate.
Anyone who still thinks Saddam wasn’t a threat to the USA …all I can tell you as one who sat in Saddam’s ‘throne’ less than a month after he abdicated it is that mural with those creepy missiles told me what a million pundits will never understand. It all seems surreal now that anyone would decry the war for the liberation of Iraq as illegal, unnecessary, imperialist, etc… I wish those who take that position could have the eerie experience I had sitting in the Butcher of Baghdad’s seat of power. Something about Mohammed on the ceiling and the rockets on the wall behind the throne just didn’t seem as innocuous as our anti-war friends would have us believe.

Go read the whole thing. The pictures alone are enough to make your skin crawl.