Friday, December 23

"Oblivions of the Year" and sillyness from the MSM

In case you haven't noticed, we're not really in the serious "discuss weighty matters of politics" today. So. In the spirit of being irreverant and is a collection of stuff I found while browsing various sites this morning.

Oblivions of the Year 2005. (What's an "oblivion"? Go read and find out!) brings us the world's stupidest, most biased poll ever. (you can cast your own vote, too, if you want - they give you the link to MSNBC)

Speaking of the world's stupidest, most biased ever, check out MSNBC's Eleanor Clift make herself look like an even bigger twit than her strangely mesmerizing photo with her un-researched and ridiculously shrill "Biggest Political Lies of 2005".
(and no, there aren't any surprises. It IS what you expect)

And the graph showing New York Times' stock prices for 2005 tell a better story than anything else ever could. As American Digest puts it "Thanks for the fish wrap!"

And with that, I think we're done here for a while.
We wish you all the best Christmas and happiest New Year ever.

See you in 2006!!