Monday, January 30

Free Speech?

"Free speech" is only a God-given right if you're a liberal, apparently. There are temper-tantrums planned for the President's speech tomorrow night, organized by none other than Cindy "Don't forget about me please" Sheehan. They're going to be trying to "drown out" the President, complete with shining flashlights in his eyes.
Anti-Bush protesters plan to hold a noisy demonstration outside the U.S. Capitol Tuesday night, when President Bush delivers his State of the Union speech to Congress. During a protest demanding that "Bush step down," liberal activists, headlined by anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, will try to drown out Bush's address with drums, violins, pot-and-pan banging, car horns, church bells, and raised voices, according to a press release. "People will use flashlights to shine the light on Bush's lies," protest organizers said.
And why, you may ask, are they doing this? What is their reason for being so upset?
"after years of an unjust war raging in Iraq, widespread use of torture, massive spying and total neglect of the people of New Orleans, it is time to force President Bush to step down."
So they're stupid AND childish. Very, very mature. You've never heard of any Republican acting in such a childish manner. And you never will.

UPDATE: From Michelle Malkin (also follow this link via Michelle's site to Gateway Pundit. Good stuff) - Cindy Sheehan is now buddybuddy with Hugo Chavez. This woman makes my patriotic skin crawl right off my body and hide under my bed.

However, I appreciate the honesty. Dems like Marxist dictators? Wait a minute. I thought they were criticizing Dubya for being Hitler-esque. Shouldn't that be considered a compliment coming from them?

Sage and I remember when John Edwards was in New Fallujah during the elections. He was appearing at a popular venue outside the city - and of course, the Sage and I as members of the OCYRs were present and accounted for, holding our Bush/Cheney 04 signs and having a good ol' time across the street from the liberals waiting in line to see Mr. Edwards.

We were laughing and carrying on, chanting "Four More Years" and whatnot. In response the liberals across the street unfurled a red flag with a gold hammer and sickle on it. Yep. We all shook our heads in amazement and thanked them for their honesty.

So I guess I shouldn't be so surpised that Ms. "I'm relevant! No really!" Sheehan is hobnobbing with the communists...

Update: OH GROSS!!

(p.s. speaking of SOTU, Conservababes will be "live blogging" the speech tomorrow...)