Monday, December 19

people who mattered?

vomiting, vomiting, vomiting.... Oh, this picture really does make me sick to my stomach...

yep, they sure did MATTER. They made a huge difference in world events. Yep, they've saved thousands of lives, these two. What nobel souls. Oh, don't you just feel so sorry for them in this picture? I mean, first you get your hubby a job. He has an agenda. He's a big lib. So he comes back, misrepresents what he finds over there. And someone "leaks" her name.. oh, the scandal! She hadn't been under cover in how long? Wasn't even illegal to leak her name, but the MSM naturally ignores that. Because they smell blood. Bush blood. Rove blood. Cheney blood. Ummm. The frickin' vampires. These two victims were so traumatized they could hardly smile for their picture on the cover of Vanity (un)Fair, and it was really hard for Joe collecting that check for his"tell all" book.

vomiting, vomiting, vomiting... ewwww!!!!!

Update: Drudge held a caption contest for the photo...heh.

"I made some yellowcake"