Friday, December 16

Iraq War: 102 By Professor Amy Proctor

Co-blogging by proxy. Love it. And I'm honored to share with you the latest comment from Ms. Proctor. This is a follow-up comment to our Iraq War: 101 post, and since it didn't fit in my teeny little comment space, I had to post it here so it wasn't lost forever. (please visit her blog - it is time well spent)

Please everyone, be seated. I present....Professor Proctor.

Why are we in Iraq if Saddam didn't attack us on 9/11?

This is a COMPREHENSIVE WAR ON TERROR. Why did we fight Hitler when he didn't bomb Pearl Harbor? Why didn't we just go after Japan? We were conducting a COMPREHENSIVE WAR on fascism and evil empires. See how that works? The United States doesn't deal in retribution or revenge, it deals in knocking out the problem. Here are some reasons why we're in Iraq:

-12 years of Iraq firing at US Air Force planes in the No-Fly Zone (1991-2003).

-Saddam Hussein's assassination attempt on George Bush Sr. in Kuwait in 1993. That would be considered an act of aggression.

-The U.N. refused to enforce its resolutions against Iraq and failed to make Saddam comply.

-Saddam paid $25000 to the families of terrorists who'd blow themselves up while killing as many Jews as possible. (Israel is an ally)

-Abu Musab al-Zarqawi sought medical attention in Baghdad in 2001 when he was injured in Afghanistan.

-WMD; whether or not he possessed them at the time we entered Iraq, he made everyone believe he did. My husband sat in a foxholes with his 82nd ABN buddies in Kuwait as Saddam threatened to use them against the troops if they entered. Of course, we know for a fact that he was a danger to his neighbors (attacks against Israel, Iran and Kuwait, 2 of whom are our
allies). We also know for a fact that he used chemical weapons on his own people.

-President Bush said in his 2002 State of the Union address that who ever aided and abetted terrorists would be considered part of the "axis of evil" Pres. Bush said in his address at Congress immediately following 9/11, "Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated. (Applause.)" That would be Democratic applause as well.

Aside from the major reasons we went to war in Iraq, Saddam was a terrorist. He provoked a war with Iran that cost millions of lives and lasted 8 years (Sept. 22, 1980- Aug. 20, 1988). If Democrats want to argue that Pres. Bush has made Iraq a magnet for terrorists, remember this:

The United States was the magnet for terrorists BEFORE 9/11/2001:
  • The World Trade Center was bombed in 1993 and 2001.
  • The Pentagon was targeted on 9/11.
  • US Military base in Saudi Arabia, June 1996 (Khobar Tower bombing)
  • U.S.S. Cole in Yemen, Oct. 12, 2000
  • Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, Oct. 23, 1983
  • Empire State Building sniper attack, Feb. 23, 1997
(Complete timeline of Islamist terrorism against the US here)

CNN- Feb. 13, 1999 Saddam offers Osama asylum as he is on the run from the US.
"Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has offered asylum to Osama bin Laden, who openly supports Iraq against the Western powers."
Saddam also supported the 9/11 attacks. Look what they found in Iraq while my [Ms. Proctor's] hubby was fighting the Fedayeen in AsSamawa! Saddam & 9/11

For the semantically and historically challenged among us:
This is what an occupation looks like.
This is what a liberation looks like.

Thank you, Professor.
I believe nothing more needs to be said.

(oh, but you know it will be. Liberals trolling who will read three words and start to rant and rave like lunatics.)