Wednesday, December 14

Iraqi election roundup

Listening to Fox News this morning it really hit me how important these elections are. They will decide on the government, how long our troops will be there, their economy - everything. It's a big freakin' deal, ya'll.

The Political Pit Bull links to the Iraqi quote of the decade (via Michelle Malkin):

"Anybody who doesn't appreciate what America has done, and President Bush, let them go to hell!"

Yes, this is from an Iraqi. Isn't that great?

Forged ballots crossing into Iraq in tanker trucks? This is apparently quite the controversy this morning. (seems to be somewhat of a smackdown between the NYT and Reuters...)
UPDATE: It seems *gasp* that the NYT made up the whole thing and it's totally false. Anyone else suprised? Anyone?

Oh, and this isn't really Iraq-election related, but...

Yes, that's Mother Sheehan. Sleeping on her son's grave. For Vanity Fair.
Words fail me.

Award for Photoshopping Creativity goes to One of the Evildoers who apparently has a LOT of time on his hands.

Heh. Go see the other one.

UPDATE: Just thought I'd note that while we are poking fun at Mother Sheehan, and have managed to offend a few people, we do so because she has ceased to be a "mourning mother" and has used her son's death as a platfom upon which to bash our troops and spout Michael Moore's lies and talking points. She defended her son's killers. Called the troops that her son was a part of "Baby killers" and by her speech insulted her son and spit on her son's heroic death. She is pathetic. Sorry if that offends you.