Monday, November 7


So there I was, perusing Michelle Malkin's site like I usually do and I ran across this story. The NY Times have sunk to lows even I didn't think they could sink to. Editing a dead soldier's letter to further their left-wing agenda is just obscene.

The girlfriend of a Marine killed in Iraq said she was devastated when she saw how The New York Times cherry-picked a letter her "first love" intended her to read in case he died.

"It was sad that we had to go through this some more. I was upset about what they took out of that letter," said an emotional Emmylyn Anonical, 22, whose boyfriend Cpl. Jeffrey Starr died in Iraq earlier this year.

In her first public comments since the letter scandal erupted, Anonical told The Post that going public with the private letter was one of the hardest decisions of her life.

Seeing it used by The Times to misrepresent her boyfriend's beliefs about the war stung deeply, she said.

"The reason I chose to share that letter was the paragraph about why he was doing this, not the part about him expecting to die. It hurt, it really hurt," she said by phone from Seattle.

As I clicked on the links in her post I read that the girlfriend's father wrote to the NYT asking them to print the WHOLE letter. Especially the line in the letter that reads: "others have died for my freedom - this is my mark".

But no. They won't.

"Angry" doesn't begin to describe how I feel.

Update: Oh, it gets BETTER apparently. The NY Times responded to some bloggers who e-mailed with their disgust. (scroll around the linked post for the updates)
Reader Michael Valois questioned the Times' reporter, James Dao, about his selection bias and forwarded me the exchanges. A defensive Dao (who didn't respond to [Michelle Malkin's] e-mail inquiry) argued, "There is nothing 'anti war' in the way I portrayed Cpl. Starr."

He then had the gall to berate the reader: "Even the portion of his e-mail that I used, the one that you seem so offended by, does not express anti-war sentiment. It does express the fatalism that many soldiers and Marines seem to feel about multiple tours. Have you been to Iraq, Michael? Or to any other war, for that matter? If you have, you should know the anxiety and fear parents, spouses, and troops themselves feel when they deploy to war. And if you haven't, what right do you have to object when papers like The New York Times try to describe that anxiety and fear?"

Um...have YOU been to war, Mr. Dao? Moron. And what the hell does that have to do with anything?