Monday, October 24

Anne Rice - Christian Author? me a cynic, but when I read this article, the only thought in my mind was, "She must have been following the HUGE success of The DaVinci Code and wanted a piece of it". But in a way, it's a good thing. Haven't we been saying for a long time that Hollywood needs to look at the success of family-friendly movies and pay attention? I firmly believe that this country is demanding more movies they can take their kids to and less that they themselves have problems viewing.

So in a way I'm happy about this, and will probably buy the book (I happen to love Anne Rice), but in another way I'm leery of being suckered. The article mentions some "liberties" with the story of Jesus as a 7-year old...which made me think "Ah. DaVinci Code. She's going for controversy."

There's a chance she's genuine, but I'm not buying it. Not that I have any room to judge anyone - after all I'm not the one that "sees men's (and women's) hearts".