Thursday, November 17

Dick Cheney. That man rocks.

I fell in love with this man during the debates when he reduced John Edwards to a babbling 12 year old during the debates...but I think I'm even more in love with him this morning when he was quoted as saying:
The President and I cannot prevent certain politicians from losing their memory, or their backbone – but we’re not going to sit by and let them rewrite history.
Oh, there's more.

Hee. Like "I'm sorry that we couldn't be joined by Senators Harry Reid, John Kerry, or Jay Rockefeeler. They were unable to attend due to a prior lack of commitment". That one got me snickerin'.

Hear Dick speak. Speak, Dick, Speak.
Hear John Kerry and Bill Clinton try to cling to their version of the truth while Dick smacks them in the head with their words from years before.

See liberals run. Run, libs, run!

Oh, looks like Rumsfeld is joining in. Now there's a man I don't ever want to go up against. Be afraid, Sandy Berger, Madeline Albright, Bill Clinton and Algore. Be afraid.

If you have time, the RNC website has a little slide show of what they said then and what they're saying now...kinda fun.