Clinton Culture of Corruption at it again
Either these folks came into a large inheritance and donated every penny of it to Hillary, or something that smells like cattle dung is going on here... (Or maybe businessman Norman Hsu gave them the money after living at their house for a few years...)
UPDATE: This isn't exactly the first time little discrepancies like this have been connected to the Clintons...
Ah - and here's a good one:
Paul is a three-time convicted felon who hosted a Hollywood fund-raising event for Mrs. Clinton in 2000 and is facing charges of stock fraud in New York. He alleges he underwrote most of the costs for the event. Prosecutors contend he did so in an effort to try to win a pardon from then-President Bill Clinton.
And how could we forget her husband's technology for campaign donations swap with the Chi-coms??
UPDATE: There's more to Mr. Hsu than we initially thought:
Mr. Hsu’s career hit a low in 1989, when he began raising $1 million from investors as part of a plan to buy and resell latex gloves.
Ronald Smetana, a lawyer with the California attorney general’s office, said Mr. Hsu was charged with stealing the investors’ money after it turned out he never bought any gloves and had no contract to resell them.
When Mr. Hsu was to attend a sentencing hearing, he faxed a letter to his lawyer saying he had to leave town for an emergency and asking that the court date be rescheduled, Mr. Smetana said.
He failed to show up for the rescheduled appearance, and a bench warrant was issued for his arrest. That was the last that prosecutors saw of Mr. Hsu.
Oh- I do hope Hillary wins the nomination!!!
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